Shoeboxes for the Samaritan's Purse appeal

We’ve had a great response to our appeal for filled shoeboxes. Members of Cornwell 0-5’s, Cool Club, GLuG and the Youth group all contributed as well as church members. In addition some people responded to the leaflets that went out with our Autumn Newsletter to all 600 homes in the area.

In all we collected 137 filled boxes; up from 75 last year! With 147 from St Catherine’s the total for the Parish was 284; up from 215 last year.

Peter and Nicky from Samaritan’s Purse arrived on Monday to collect the Shoeboxes and thanks to helpers Bill, David, and Michael we soon had the van loaded.


Forthcoming events

Tuesday 24th November - 8pm at St Catherine’s a meeting about ‘The Project’, plans to extend and improve the facilities at St Catherine’s to better serve the community and address issues that make it difficult for church mid-week activities. The architect will be there to present the plans and answer questions. From the Cornwell point of view, apart from any new community initiatives it will make life so much easier for Holiday club, GLuG and the Youth group.

Saturday 28th November - Between 1.30 and 5.30pm in St Catherine’s church hall, lots of helpers needed to guillotine (bring you own if you have one), fold and bundle the parish Christmas cards. As ‘Crafty Space’ is happening at the same time there’ll be Tea and Cakes. The more helpers, the quicker it’ll get done so please come along even for part of the time. Please consider a donation towards the cost of producing the cards and help with delivering them (see Stuart for details).

Wednesday 9th December - Spanner Films, Tilehurst Globe and the Green Apostles present The Age of Stupid, "the climate blockbuster" starring Pete Postlethwaite, at 7pm in Tilehurst Methodist Church.  Admission free.  Retiring donations in aid of the Methodist Church refurbishment fund (Target 21) (courtesy of Tilehurst Globe).  There will be a discussion after the film at 8.45 pm hopefully chaired by Peter McManners, a local author on sustainability.  Please come and support this event if you haven't already seen the film!  Children under 12 should be accompanied by an adult.  More information about the film can be found at


Litter pick

Many competing events today so only a small party for our autumn litter pick. Our half-yearly efforts are paying off because the amount of litter we collect has reduced each time.

In addition to the usual drinks cans and bottles we found the remains of kitchen units, a cushion, a traffic cone, two footballs (one in very good condition) and part of a climbing frame.

In the picture is just some of the rubbish collected, Sean left two bags at home to go into his dustbin and Shirley, the Neighbourhood Warden had half-filled her van.

Thank you to Shirley for joining us and providing bags and litter pick tools – we’ll do it again in mid-March.

A question – If dog-walkers are considerate enough to bag up what their pooch deposits. then why do they then fling the filled bag into the woods?



Advent Sunday is 29th November when the church count-down to Christmas begins. Many of us mark this time with Advent Calendars and Advent Candles beginning 1st December. We’ll have Calendars and Candles for sale on the church bookstall from this Sunday 22nd November and they’ll also be available at our three clubs for young people; Cool Club, GLuG and the Youth Group.


This Sunday 22nd November Rev Denis Smith from St Catherine’s will be taking a communion service at Cornwell. This Sunday before Advent Sunday is known as ‘Stir up Sunday’ because the traditional ‘Collect’ or Prayer for the day begins ‘Stir up O Lord the wills of your faithful people. . ‘. This Sunday is also a traditional time to make (stir up) the Christmas pudding. We’ll see if Denis has come to stir us up!



Cornwell News

A reminder that next Saturday 21st November it’s our community litter pick; we’ll be joined by the Neighbourhood Wardens to go through Cornwell Copse and local footpaths litter picking. From previous experience there’ll be more than simply litter but don’t let that discourage you!

Meet 10am at the Cornwell Centre and we’ll finish 12noon or earlier depending on how much rubbish we find, then for those who can stay, a drink at the Royal Oak.

Thank you to everyone who has brought along a shoebox for the ‘Samaritan’s Purse’ appeal; we’ve got 133 (up from 75 last year). They’re not being collected until Monday 23rd so there’s still time for more.


Shoebox Service

It was great to see so many people bringing Show Boxes stuffed full of presents to our Shoebox Service on Sunday 15th. We'll keep you updated with the box count for both Cornwell and the parish as a whole.

Parish Autumn Fayre

Members from Cornwell helped out at the Parish Autumn Fayre on Saturday 14th November. It was great to see so many of you there ! Over £900 was raised towards the parish building development project.


This is the first entry in our new Blog.

If you’re looking for something profound from our very first entry – Sorry – you won’t find it here.

At the moment this whole blogging thing is a bit of an experiment. So we’ll start off simple and we’ll see where we go from there.

If you're looking for details about who we are, what we do, and what this blog is about, I hope that by the time to discover this blog, all these things and more can be found elsewhere on this site.