Here's just some of the 108 shoeboxes we had at our service yesterday.
The latest news from Cornwell Community Church, a church in Tilehurst, Reading which is part of the Anglican parish of Tilehurst : St Catherine's & Calcot : St Birinus.
Operation Christmas Child - 108 shoeboxes
Here's just some of the 108 shoeboxes we had at our service yesterday.
Sunday 20th - Shoebox Sunday
Litter Pick - Saturday 26th November
We've booked the Neighbourhood Wardens to help us with our half-yearly community litter pick; it’ll be Saturday 26th November 10am -12noon.
There’ll be flyers to distribute nearer the time.
Harvest Service - 2nd October
Along with St Catherine's, we will be donating the gifts from these Services to the Drop in Centre. They are asking for tins of meat, vegetables, soup, custard and sauces, breakfast cereals, spreads, kitchen towels, floor cleaning liquid, shaving foam, sanitizing gel and hand wash! They have told us they have plenty of pasta.
At Cornwell we’re aiming for a family-friendly, fun and informative harvest service followed by a simple bread/cheese/ soup lunch (provided) and bring-and-share puddings (which you're invited to bring so that they can be shared!)
Holiday Club Special Service on Sunday 21st
We hope you can join us!
Mission Rescue
We'd love to see you all - but especially Leaders and Helpers - at the set up tea, which is at St Catherine's Church Hall from 2pm on Sunday 14th.
Social event Sunday 10th July - Thatcham Nature Discovery Centre
It's proposed that we meet there at 3pm and do whatever you'd like:
- make use of the playgrounds
- walk around the lake,
- feed the ducks
- enjoy a quiet cup of tea in the cafe
Then we can enjoy a "bring-your-own-and-maybe-share" picnic tea at about 4.30-5pm. Whatever happens, weather permitting, it's an opportunity to spend some time together and get to know each other a bit better.
Anyway, we'd be delighted if you'd join us, so if you're a "definite" yes, a "probable" or a "maybe", please let me know. Equally, I'd like to hear from you if you think it's a terrible idea and/or you'd like to suggest alternative social events for another time!
Once we have an idea of numbers we might be able to organise lifts/car sharing, to reduce our carbon footprint, so please indicate, too, if you'd like a lift or would expect to have space in your car.
Thanks for your time. I look forward to hearing from you and, hopefully, seeing you on 10th July,
Holiday club Training evening for all helpers
It's the opportunity to discuss the programme and materials and hear the song. If you’re helping with holiday club (or are thinking about it) please do come along.
Tony Bartlett
Forthcoming Special Joint Service - Sunday 26th June
At 1pm there will be a ‘Bring and Share Meal’ in the Hall. Look out for a chance to sign up to bring a main course, salad or sweet.
Forthcoming Confirmation Service - Evening of Sunday 12th June
Bishop Andrew, the new Bishop of Reading will be with us.
We would like to encourage as many people as possible from both St Catherine's and Cornwell, to come and support this event and to give a good welcome to the Bishop, and to those visiting from the other parishes.
Easter events
Friday 22nd April – Good Friday
10am at St Catherine’s – Easter All Age Service & Craft Workshop with light refreshments
12noon at Tilehurst Triangle – Act of Witness; local churches meeting together to sing hymns & songs, hear Bible readings, prayers and the gospel preached.
Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th April
Bluebell walks Easter weekend at Rushall Farm Bradfield 11am – 6pm
Sunday 24th April - Easter Day
Celebrate the Good News that Jesus is alive, 11am at the Cornwell Centre, a communion service led by Rev Lorraine Colam. Join us from 10.30am for fresh coffee & homemade cakes.
Come Egg Rolling & Kite Flying at Lardon Chase, Streatley Hill from 3pm. Prizes for longest egg roll and best decorated eggs. We provide Hot Cross Buns; bring your own drinks & snacks.
Prayer meeting - please note earlier time
It’s the ‘First Thursday of the Month’ Cornwell Prayer meeting next Thursday 7th April and this month we’re meeting at the earlier time of 6.30pm to 7.30pm at Marion’s home, do come and join us for this hour as we pray for each other, our local community and as the Spirit leads us.
FW: Hilary Chick
Just to let you all know that Hilary Chick died yesterday Thursday 31st March at 4.35am.
Hilary was part of the Cornwell church family and had terminal cancer; she had been in hospital recently but died at home. Evelyn who visited regularly saw her on Tuesday and prayed for her and her family.
We first met Hilary when Evelyn Bartlett and David McMahon called on her as part of the Jesus video project back in 2004. As a result Hilary did the Alpha course twice and found it very helpful. What she learned was a great comfort especially in the last few months of her life.
Hilary was a familiarly figure until recently, walking with Bonnie, her Westie dog on the estate and in Sulham woods.
Please pray for Hilary, her family and friends. She was loved by them and will be missed by all those who knew her.
Cornwell AGM
You’ll read in this month’s magazine that the Cornwell Community Church AGM is on Sunday 20th March (11am after the usual 10.30am refreshments).
I thought that I’d publicised the date but looking back I see that I haven’t; I’m sorry for this oversight.
If you've been to our previous AGM’s you’ll know that we have a short (20-30 minutes) service, and then some input summarising the year, followed by refreshments with a discussion either all together or in smaller groups for your thoughts and ideas. It’s all very informal so do come along.
The only formal part of the meeting is to fill a number of positions: On the Leadership team, to the PCC, Deanery Synod rep, Churchwarden, and Cornwell rep on the ‘Link’ management committee. These take effect after the Parish APCM (the Annual Parochial Church Meeting) which is 3pm on 10th April at St Catherine’s.
If I haven’t already spoken to you and you are willing to fill one or more of these positions or would like to know more about what’s involved please let me know or speak to me next Sunday.
News & Events
Our ‘Build-a-Bog’ Christmas appeal which had a target of paying for 10 toilets in India at £41 each has raised enough for 20; double our original target!
I’m sending a cheque for £820 off to Christian Aid, thank you to everyone who contributed.
This Sunday 27th February Rev Denis Smith will be taking our communion service; no Sunday school but there’ll be activity sheets for the children.
On Sunday 6th March we’ve got an afternoon walk & tea. Meet 2.30pm at Tony's House, back around 4pm for tea (bring cakes to share) if you can’t make the walk you’re welcome to join us for the tea.
On Saturday 26th March our Springtime Litter pick, meet 10am at the Cornwell Centre where the Neighbourhood Wardens will have bags and tools for a 2 hour blitz of the local area. Coincidentally the Royal Oak opens at 12noon if we feel we deserve a drink afterwards.
News - Prayer Meeting, Food Collection & Messy Church
A reminder that during January and February we’re collecting food (non perishable) for the ‘Churches in Reading Drop in Centre’ (CIRDIC). There’s a box at church for donations with a list of the sort of things they need. They have more than enough pasta but they always need tinned meat.
Intended for all the family but appealing to the younger children is ‘Messy Church’ this Saturday 5th March with ‘Word Puppets’ 3.30-5pm at St Catherine’s.