Cornwell AGM

You’ll read in this month’s magazine that the Cornwell Community Church AGM is on Sunday 20th March (11am after the usual 10.30am refreshments).

I thought that I’d publicised the date but looking back I see that I haven’t; I’m sorry for this oversight.

If you've been to our previous AGM’s you’ll know that we have a short (20-30 minutes) service, and then some input summarising the year, followed by refreshments with a discussion either all together or in smaller groups for your thoughts and ideas. It’s all very informal so do come along.

The only formal part of the meeting is to fill a number of positions: On the Leadership team, to the PCC, Deanery Synod rep, Churchwarden, and Cornwell rep on the ‘Link’ management committee. These take effect after the Parish APCM (the Annual Parochial Church Meeting) which is 3pm on 10th April at St Catherine’s.

If I haven’t already spoken to you and you are willing to fill one or more of these positions or would like to know more about what’s involved please let me know or speak to me next Sunday.
