Spring Community Litter Pick - Saturday 23rd March

We’ve booked the Neighbourhood Wardens for our Spring Community Litter Pick, 10am – 12noon from the Cornwell Centre on Saturday 23rd March.

Please make a note of the date and join us if you can.

Pancake lunch - Sunday 10th Feb

Our "pre-Lenten pancake lunch" will be on Sunday 10th Feb after the service.

We will provide:
* Plain pancakes, but if you want to bring some of your own home-made ones they'll be very welcome
* Fillings for sweet pancakes (lemon juice, sugar, golden syrup and some chocolaty stuff)
* Please bring your own savoury fillings, e.g. ham and cheese, coronation chicken, ratatouille or anything else - be inventive! Could you let us know what you will be bringing - and if any of you are bringing a salad instead of a savoury filling. Thank you.

Friends and family are very welcome - however...
to ensure we 're catering for the right sort of numbers it would be helpful if you could let Richard and Katrina know by Friday 8th to indicate if you're coming... and how many of you there are likely to be!