Operation Christmas Child "Shoebox Service" - Sunday 16th November.

Advance notice that our Operation Christmas Child "Shoebox Service" is on Sunday 16th November.  We hope you will bring yourselves and your filled shoeboxes along to help demonstrate God's love for those less fortunate than us.

If you need further details, a form, or a shoebox, please just ask.

Community Litter Pick - Saturday 15th November.

We invite you to join us for a Community Litter Pick of the Woods and Footpaths in the local area on Saturday 15th November 10.00am to 11.30am

Meet 10am at the Cornwell Centre Car Park,  Home Croft off Clements Mead, RG31 5WJ

Some tools will be available but it’s advisable to bring gloves.

Our Neighbourhood Wardens will be helping and on hand to talk about how their job is to make this a better place to live in.