The next few Sundays at Cornwell will be particularly significant and exciting ...
Sunday 9th November – Denis taking a communion service, it’s Remembrance Sunday so if you can, please arrive at least 5 minutes before 11am so that as in previous years we can have "two minutes' silence" around the table before starting the service.
Sunday 16th November – Shoebox service, still time to assemble your shoebox (we have plenty of ‘self assembly’ ready decorated ones) we’ll see the 2014 DVD about what happens to the filled Shoeboxes; this is a good service to invite friends/relations along to.
Sunday 23rd November – Denis taking 3 baptisms; Nicola O’Sullivan and Beren & Toby Caton. Nicola and others are being confirmed 4pm St Marys Minster Reading; do come to support her.
Sunday 30th November – No service at Cornwell; it’s a joint ‘Messy Advent’ service 10.30am at St Catherine’s. There’ll be a hot lunch afterwards if you can stay– there’s a list at church to sign up to bring casserole, shepherds pie, jacket potatoes etc.