Cornwell Christmas events

We hope that you can join us for some of the following:


Saturday 19th – 2pm at The Triangle with Churches in Tilehurst

Tuesday 22nd – Meet 6.30pm corner of Dark Lane & Long Lane, singing in Long Lane, Willow Gardens & Blackthorn Close, and some of Vicarage Wood way if time, back to someone's house for Refreshments

Wednesday 23rd – Meet 7pm corner of Lamorna Crescent & Trelawney Drive singing in Trelawney Drive & Clay Close, back to someone's house for refreshments


Sunday 20th – 10.30 for 11am, A short morning service with activity sheets, no Sunday school

Sunday 20th – 4pm Nativity & Carols followed by refreshments, children welcomed to come dressed as a Nativity character (and we’ll have some spare dressing-up clothes)

Thursday 24th Christmas Eve – 3.30pm (in St Catherine’s Hall) Messy Christmas Eve family service

Christmas Day – 11am A short service, children encouraged to bring along a present to show

Sunday 27th – No service at Cornwell, 10.30am joint service in St Catherine’s Hall

Community litter pick

Don’t forget, if you’re free tomorrow meet 10am at the Cornwell Centre to join with the Neighbourhood Wardens for our half-yearly litter pick. We’ll finish at 11.30am. You’ll need gloves and boots!


Joint Service at St Catherine's - Sunday 29th November.

This coming Sunday, it's a 5th Sunday joint 'Celebration Together' service at St Catherine's at 10.30am.  There is no service at Cornwell.

You may be aware of the building work taking place at St Catherine's, so we're meeting in the Hall. Entrance to the Hall is via the side gate, and in through the Hall's disabled access, which is just past the large windows.

There's restricted parking in the church car park but Birch Copse have allowed the church to use their car park on Sunday mornings.

Winter Walk and Tea - Sunday 22nd November

Next Sunday 22nd November, we plan to go on a 3 mile circular walk through woods & fields returning around 4pm for tea (bring cake to share)

Start at 2.30pm at Tony & Evelyn's house or just come along at 4pm for tea. If very wet we'll stay and play board games before tea. Please let Tony & Evelyn know if you're coming.

123 shoeboxes

A big thank you to everyone who came to our service this morning. We collected 123 shoeboxes to be sent off to less fortunate children around the world.

Shoebox Sunday - Sunday 15th November.

Don't forget our special "Shoebox Sunday" service this coming Sunday (15th). We hope you've already packed a shoebox to bring - but it's not too late to start !
Shoebox or not, we'd love you to join us. Refreshments from 10:30am, Service starts at 11am.

Autumn '15 Cornwell Community Newsletter

The Autumn '15 Cornwell Community Newsletter, which has been delivered to all the homes in our area, is also available online here.

Send a Cow visits Cornwell

The children showing what a cow can produce.
It was great to hear from Send a Cow's Ann Hatton and Mesfin Abebe this morning as we learnt about all the things a Cow can produce!
(and well done to Issac for being the one to hold the cow pat !)

Look out for details on fund raising events, or the next sale by Cornwell Charity Crafts so that you can help donate to this worthwhile cause.

Visiting speaker from Send a Cow - Sunday 18th October.

We are delighted to welcome Ann Hatton from the charity Send a Cow, who is coming to speak to us this coming Sunday.  She's bringing Mesfin Abebe a colleague from Ethiopia with her.

As you may know, we have supported this charity in different ways for many years.  Over time we have sent over £6,000 for projects ranging from sending cows, goats or bee hives through to building to super stoves.  This year we are raising money for education packs for training programs in schools.

Please come along to welcome our guests, and to hear where our money goes and how it changes a family's future.

Upcoming Sundays in September

Some details on the next two Sundays in September ..

Sun Sept 20th is our 'Walk in another's shoes' Sunday.  We'll be swapping locations with St Catherine's.  What that means is that we'll offer refreshments from 10:30am and start our service at 11:00am as usual, but this Sunday we'll be meeting in St Catherine's Church.  The St Catherine's congregation will be meeting in the Cornwell Center at 9:30am.

Sun Sept 27th will be our Harvest Service (back in the Cornwell Center as usual).  We'll be having a Canned Food collection for CIRDIC.

Hope to see you there !

Church tomorrow 16th August

A reminder that as the Cornwell Centre is closed for redecoration our service will be at St Catherine’s tomorrow 16th August.

We’ll be following their 9.30am service BUT apart from the venue everything will be as normal,

SO - Refreshments in the Hall from 10.30am, service at 11.00am in church with Sunday school led in the Hall.

DO please come if you can, we’ve a big space to fill!


Polar Explorers : Opening Service - Sunday 9th August

Please come and join our special Holiday Club joint service at St Catherine's 10:30am this Sunday 9th August.

... and don't forget, the Cornwell Center is closed for redecoration on both the 9th and 16th !

Cornwell services in August

A few changes from the ‘normal’ Sundays so please carefully note the following:

2nd August – At the Cornwell Centre 10.30am for11.00am as usual

9th August – At St Catherine’s *note earlier start time of 10.30am* for the ‘Polar Explorers’ Holiday club service

16th August – Again at St Catherines because the Cornwell Centre is closed for re-decoration but our normal 11.00am with refreshments in the Hall from 10.30am

23rd August – At the Cornwell Centre 10.30am for 11.00am as usual

30th August – A 5th Sunday so St Catherine’s congregation is joining us in the Cornwell Centre but *note earlier start time of 10.30am* to ‘Celebrate Together’


Outdoor Church at Silchester - Sunday 28th June

On Sunday 28th June we've planned to have ‘outdoor church’ at Silchester.

Meet 11.30am at Silchester for ‘church’ (rather than a ‘service’ it’ll be a short time for reflection & we'll use the usual prayer cards) then games (what can you bring along?) followed by a picnic (bring your own!).

Later, those who wish can come on a circular walk (less than 3 miles) taking in the Roman walls and St Mary’s church.

There’s a cricket match on at 2pm, you may want to watch some or all of it, there’s a children's play area and of course the Calleva Arms (open from 12noon) is just across the road.

In view of the cricket match taking place and the football pitch being re-seeded & fenced off, we'll need to use the area of grass nearest the Calleva Arms & play area, Maps are available showing location (please ask),  If you're using Satnav use the postcode of the Calleva Arms which is RG7 2PH, then use the car park behind the cricket pavilion.

TOILETS – there are no public toilets there, but there’s the Calleva Arms and it may be possible to use the cricket pavilion ones when it’s opened up for the match.

AND - if wet and you've already made the sandwiches we can use the St Catherine’s Hall – 11.30am for an indoor picnic (We've cancelled our booking for the Cornwell Centre).

FINALLY – meet at the Cornwell Centre 11am if you need a lift or can give a lift – let us know & we'll co-ordinate.  Someone will go to the Cornwell Centre to pick up anyone who hasn't realised we not meeting as normal.

Needless to say do contact us if you have any queries, we do look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Open Air Songs of Praise - Sunday 21st June

Why not join some of the Cornwell Music Group at the Open Air Songs of Praise at Prospect Park, starting at 5pm, which has a Father's Day theme.

Bring your Dad to Church Day - Sunday 21st June

This Sunday is Father's Day. Why not bring your Dad to Church for a fun morning of games, prizes, bacon baps & a short talk.

Just like the last two years, our time together on Fathers’ Day will be different from a usual Sunday service. This is to provide opportunities for:
  • God to speak to us in a different context 
  • AND an opportunity to bring Dads along and share some fun time together in the context of our Church family.
Bacon rolls and a Vegetarian option will be available from 10.45 as well as the usual cakes and drinks.

We'll be joined that morning by another local church, “The Journey”, who usually meet in one another’s there will be some new people to get to know.

From about 11.00:  there will be a chance to take part in some ‘table-top’ games, and maybe some more energetic outdoor activities too, weather permitting.

For those of you who may be of a slightly competitive nature, We’ll be awarding some not-very-impressive prizes for the person with the best score in each of the games.      

NB There is no pressure to take part – you can just chat and relax if you prefer.

At about 11.45 we'll come together for a brief service, which will include a video and/or short talk, some prayers and a song (or two?!)

Please let Richard & Katrina know if you can bring a game / activity. In past years we’ve had Scalextric, a variety of table football games, catching plastic fish from a bowl, pick-up sticks, Jenga...

Church this Sunday 31st May

Remember : St Catherine’s are joining us at Cornwell this Sunday, so an earlier start time of 10.30 am.

It won’t be the ‘normal’ Cornwell or St Catherine’s service; you’ll see this from the Notice sheet:

Thought - United Together

Trinity Sunday is all about communication and interdependence between Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Being united too is all about sharing together; finding out how we came to faith for instance or finding out what God is doing in the lives of others.

So today maybe talk to someone you have not chatted with before, share your story and listen to theirs. I am sure you will find it very rewarding. .


Guest speakers and Annual Parish Meeting

One of the suggestions to emerge from our recent Cornwell Annual Meeting was the desire for more guest speakers, so we're pleased to report that for the next three Sundays at Cornwell you'll be hearing from:

  • St Catherine's prayer team (26th April)
  • Richard Canning, with reference to the St Catherine's Neighbourhood Centre project (3rd May)
  • Jessica Hall from Christian Aid, at the beginning of Christian Aid Week (10th May)

Since Denis was unable to be with us on 12th April, he'll be coming to lead Communion this Sunday, resuming the normal pattern of '2nd Sundays' on 10th May.

Also, don't forget the Annual Parochial Church Meeting; taking place at St Catherine's this Sunday at 3pm.

Community Litter Pick - Saturday 18th April.

We invite you to join us for our Spring Community Litter Pick of the woods and footpaths in the local area on Saturday 18th April.

Our Neighbourhood Wardens will be helping and on hand to talk about how their job is to make this a better place to live in.

Some tools will be available but it’s advisable to bring gloves.

Meet 10am at the Cornwell Centre Car Park,  Home Croft off Clements Mead, RG31 5WJ.

Egg Rolling and Kite Flying - Easter Sunday Afternoon

In addition to our Easter Sunday morning service, we hope you can join us for another Easter Sunday tradition - Egg Rolling and Kite Flying at Lardon Chase.

As normal there are 'Best Decorated Egg' and 'Furthest Egg Roll' competitions. Hot cross buns provided !

Easter at Cornwell

There are a number of events at Cornwell and in the wider parish to help you worship & celebrate this Easter.

Sunday 29th March : Palm Sunday
10:30am : A 'Messy Together' joint service at St Catherines.  No service at Cornwell that day.

Friday 3rd April : Good Friday
10:30am : An All Age exploration of the Easter Story through Craft, Drama, Songs & Prayers. At St Catherines
12 Noon : Churches Together in Tilehurst Act of Witness at the Tilehurst Triangle.

Sunday 5th April : Easter Sunday
11:00am : Service at Cornwell Community Church.  Refreshments from 10:30am.  With Sunday School.
3:00 pm : Egg Rolling and Kite Flying at Lardon Chase.  Furthest Egg Roll and Best Decorated Egg competitions.  Hot Cross Buns provided.

Topic Slides from ACM March 8th

At our Annual Church Meeting on March 8th, we considered six topics :-

  • Mission 
  • Children & Youth Work
  • Finance
  • Witness in the community
  • How to grow in faith
  • How to grow our congregation

For most of these topics, slides were shown.  While they were not originally created to be shown on-line, we have done our best to assemble them here :-

Easter Eggs for Readifood (by 22nd March please)

We wanted to circulate wider a great idea from Caroline ...

Dear All,

When praying last week, it came to me that many of the families that Readifood help, the children wouldn’t receive any Easter eggs.  So we ought to do something about it (they did something similar last year to ensure that children received an Advent calendar).

I've been in touch with Readifood and they would be delighted to receive Easter eggs.  So when you’re doing your shopping this week, perhaps you could take advantage of the special offers and get one for a child who wouldn’t receive one otherwise.  Readifood need to receive them by Friday 27 March, so ideally we need to bring them to church this Sunday 22 March.  Evelyn and Tony will drop them off when they take down our regular donations during the week.

More food for thought – the demand for food parcels increases during school holidays as lots of the families who receive help from Readifood have children who would normally receive free school meals.

Thank you

Family Gathering : Sunday 8th March.

‘A church is not something you go to,
it’s a family you belong to’

You are warmly invited to a family gathering on Sunday 8th March at 11.00 am (refreshments as usual from 10,30 am).

It’s an opportunity to share in what God has done for us over the past year and then to share you views, input and ideas on the next year’s journey with God.

Or to put it another way it’ll be a combination of service and AGM

Please let a member of Church Leadership know if you can attend or email

Lent Courses

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday - 18th February. There’s a service at 8pm at St Catherine’s, to mark the beginning of Lent.

Rather than giving up something like chocolate up for Lent, many people give time instead, opting to join a Lent study group or read a religious book.

Here are details of the Lent courses being run by the various churches in the area and all welcome participants so that there’s a good mix of people from different churches.

Next few Sundays at Cornwell

Here's a few dates for your diary of what's happening over next few Sundays at Cornwell ...

Sunday 8th February : Communion with Guest speaker

Sunday 15th February : Pancakes available from 10:30am. (Shrove Tuesday is Feb 17th)

Sunday 8th March : Communion followed by AGM with Coffee & Cakes.

Sunday 15th March : Mothering Sunday

Sunday 29th March : A 5th Sunday "Messy Together" Joint service for Palm Sunday at St Catherine's. No service at Cornwell.

Sunday 5th April : Easter Sunday,

Cool Club restarts Tuesday 13th January

Cool Club, our group for children aged 5 - 7 years, is moving to St Catherine's Hall. It re-starts Tuesday 13th.   

Doors open 4:15pm for a 4:30 start.