Guest speakers and Annual Parish Meeting

One of the suggestions to emerge from our recent Cornwell Annual Meeting was the desire for more guest speakers, so we're pleased to report that for the next three Sundays at Cornwell you'll be hearing from:

  • St Catherine's prayer team (26th April)
  • Richard Canning, with reference to the St Catherine's Neighbourhood Centre project (3rd May)
  • Jessica Hall from Christian Aid, at the beginning of Christian Aid Week (10th May)

Since Denis was unable to be with us on 12th April, he'll be coming to lead Communion this Sunday, resuming the normal pattern of '2nd Sundays' on 10th May.

Also, don't forget the Annual Parochial Church Meeting; taking place at St Catherine's this Sunday at 3pm.

Community Litter Pick - Saturday 18th April.

We invite you to join us for our Spring Community Litter Pick of the woods and footpaths in the local area on Saturday 18th April.

Our Neighbourhood Wardens will be helping and on hand to talk about how their job is to make this a better place to live in.

Some tools will be available but it’s advisable to bring gloves.

Meet 10am at the Cornwell Centre Car Park,  Home Croft off Clements Mead, RG31 5WJ.