Carol singing

Carol singing tonight (6pm Ivy Bank) cancelled – roads and drives just too treacherous and sleet forecast for this evening.

The crib services at Rushall Farm tomorrow have been cancelled.

Our Christmas Day service 11am at the Cornwell Centre will take place whatever the weather.

No service 27th Dec (but there’s a 10.30am at St Catherine’s)

Happy Christmas to you all


Scratch Nativity and Carols

Despite the snowy conditions there was a good turn out for our service on Sunday morning.

Many children were to old (not cool) or to young (stage fright) to dress up but we did have one shepherd, two angels, two Mary’s each with a baby Jesus (a third set stayed with Mum and Dad) and one wise person bearing three gifts. They all helped us tell the Christmas story.


Christmas events

At 11am on Sunday it’s our ‘Scratch Nativity’ (children invited to come dressed as a Nativity character) and carols, cakes from 10.30am, mince pies and mulled wine after the service.

I’ve printed one Christmas card for each family, just sign as many of them as you wish and make a donation for the money you’ve saved, take your signed card home after the service, if you can’t be there we’ll deliver the card to you next week.

It was too inclement and slippery for carol singing tonight but we hope for better conditions next Wednesday.

Then it’s Christmas day 11am at Cornwell a short service

Sunday 27th no service at Cornwell but a 10.30am at St Catherine’s

And Finally - On Thursday 31st December, the Cornwell Community Church New Year’s Eve social from 9.30pm to see the New Year in, details with your Christmas card and how to RSVP.


Carol Singing

Lots of opportunities to sing Carols – do please join us!

There’s our Carol service 4pm on Sunday 13th December in the Cornwell Centre, you can email your choice of carol to: by Friday 11th December.

A ‘Scratch Nativity’ and Carols at 11am on Sunday 20th December in the Cornwell Centre when children are invited to come dressed as a Nativity character.

And Carol singing around the streets in the local area:
  • Friday 18th December - meet 6pm at the Top of Vicarage Wood Way - back to Bartletts home for refreshments
  • Wednesday 23rd December - meet 6pm at the Corner Ivybank & Prince William Drive - back to O’Sullivan’s home for refreshments

You’ll need a torch and warm clothing for these (we do not collect money, just give away sweets and Christmas greetings)

Christmas Cards

As an alternative to all sending cards to each other, last year we tried one per family and that worked well so we’re doing the same this year, this is how it’ll work:-

1.       I’ll print one Christmas card addressed to each Cornwell Church family and lay them out at church on Sunday 13th and 20th December (also card to Parish council, Neighbourhood wardens etc)

2.       You sign the ones you want and make a donation to a Christian charity

3.       After the service on 20th take your card which by then should be full of names (if you can’t come to our service on the 20th we’ll deliver your card).

In addition to making a donation in respect of all the cards you saved buying, how about adding a charity donation to your presents list; i.e. donate what you would have spent on one present.

Last year with the addition of money from our missions budget we were able to send £750 to the ‘Send a Cow’ charity to buy a cow for Africa (not just the cow but all the training and support to go with it).

This year we’ll split the money realised between 2 charities, one home and one away; ‘Prospects’ the locally based charity for people with learning disabilities and ‘Send a Cow’ (maybe a couple of goats this year)
