Rev Lorraine Colam - Sunday 24th November

Some of you may know that Lorraine, after 34 years of nursing has a new job.    As from 9th December she will be a chaplain at the Royal Berkshire hospital.    As a result she and Trevor will be leaving St Catherine’s.

We are fortunate to have Lorraine with us this coming Sunday 24th November so do join us if you can.


Shoebox Sunday - November 17th.

Don't forget - bring your shoeboxes to our special Shoebox Sunday service.  And bring your friends as well.  We'll be watching videos explaining where the shoeboxes go, as well as seeing the joy on the faces of children opening their boxes.
The Power Of A Simple Gift

Community Litter Pick - Saturday 16th November

A reminder that on Saturday 16th November it is our Autumn Community Litter Pick from 10.00 to 11.30am. As usual we will be helped by our Neighbourhood Wardens. Meet 10.00am at the Cornwell Centre, tools provided but advisable to wear gloves.