Outdoor Church at Silchester - Sunday 28th June

On Sunday 28th June we've planned to have ‘outdoor church’ at Silchester.

Meet 11.30am at Silchester for ‘church’ (rather than a ‘service’ it’ll be a short time for reflection & we'll use the usual prayer cards) then games (what can you bring along?) followed by a picnic (bring your own!).

Later, those who wish can come on a circular walk (less than 3 miles) taking in the Roman walls and St Mary’s church.

There’s a cricket match on at 2pm, you may want to watch some or all of it, there’s a children's play area and of course the Calleva Arms (open from 12noon) is just across the road.

In view of the cricket match taking place and the football pitch being re-seeded & fenced off, we'll need to use the area of grass nearest the Calleva Arms & play area, Maps are available showing location (please ask),  If you're using Satnav use the postcode of the Calleva Arms which is RG7 2PH, then use the car park behind the cricket pavilion.

TOILETS – there are no public toilets there, but there’s the Calleva Arms and it may be possible to use the cricket pavilion ones when it’s opened up for the match.

AND - if wet and you've already made the sandwiches we can use the St Catherine’s Hall – 11.30am for an indoor picnic (We've cancelled our booking for the Cornwell Centre).

FINALLY – meet at the Cornwell Centre 11am if you need a lift or can give a lift – let us know & we'll co-ordinate.  Someone will go to the Cornwell Centre to pick up anyone who hasn't realised we not meeting as normal.

Needless to say do contact us if you have any queries, we do look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Open Air Songs of Praise - Sunday 21st June

Why not join some of the Cornwell Music Group at the Open Air Songs of Praise at Prospect Park, starting at 5pm, which has a Father's Day theme.

Bring your Dad to Church Day - Sunday 21st June

This Sunday is Father's Day. Why not bring your Dad to Church for a fun morning of games, prizes, bacon baps & a short talk.

Just like the last two years, our time together on Fathers’ Day will be different from a usual Sunday service. This is to provide opportunities for:
  • God to speak to us in a different context 
  • AND an opportunity to bring Dads along and share some fun time together in the context of our Church family.
Bacon rolls and a Vegetarian option will be available from 10.45 as well as the usual cakes and drinks.

We'll be joined that morning by another local church, “The Journey”, who usually meet in one another’s homes...so there will be some new people to get to know.

From about 11.00:  there will be a chance to take part in some ‘table-top’ games, and maybe some more energetic outdoor activities too, weather permitting.

For those of you who may be of a slightly competitive nature, We’ll be awarding some not-very-impressive prizes for the person with the best score in each of the games.      

NB There is no pressure to take part – you can just chat and relax if you prefer.

At about 11.45 we'll come together for a brief service, which will include a video and/or short talk, some prayers and a song (or two?!)

Please let Richard & Katrina know if you can bring a game / activity. In past years we’ve had Scalextric, a variety of table football games, catching plastic fish from a bowl, pick-up sticks, Jenga...