When & What

A service in progress
The service takes place at 11 O’clock every Sunday morning and lasts about an hour. You’ll find the services very informal.

We sing hymns and songs, led by a music group. There'll often be a short talk involving the children before they go off into their own groups.  We listen to the Bible being read or acted out and then someone explains how it is relevant to life today. 

We have homemade cakes, fresh coffee, tea & squash available from 10:30 am and they're out again after the service.  Why come early or stay after the service and have a cake and a chat - it’s a chance to get to know each other. There are also books to buy or borrow.

Tea, Coffee & Cake
served before the service
Whilst we are very different from St. Catherine's , we value the links with our ‘mother’ church. Rev Denis Smith, the priest in charge of the parish of which we're part of, is a regular visitor and plays an active part in our church services.

On the second Sunday each month, there is normally an informal Communion Service.