Social event Sunday 10th July - Thatcham Nature Discovery Centre

It may appear that we've had our summer already, but we hope it will be back in time for our proposed "social" - a trip to the Nature Discovery Centre at Thatcham on Sunday 10th July. Please see for info about what's there and for directions.

It's proposed that we meet there at 3pm and do whatever you'd like:
  • make use of the playgrounds
  • walk around the lake,
  • feed the ducks
  • enjoy a quiet cup of tea in the cafe
Maybe we'll even organise a game or two of something. If you're a good games-organiser or have any ideas you'd like to share please let me know!

Then we can enjoy a "bring-your-own-and-maybe-share" picnic tea at about 4.30-5pm. Whatever happens, weather permitting, it's an opportunity to spend some time together and get to know each other a bit better.

Anyway, we'd be delighted if you'd join us, so if you're a "definite" yes, a "probable" or a "maybe", please let me know. Equally, I'd like to hear from you if you think it's a terrible idea and/or you'd like to suggest alternative social events for another time!

Once we have an idea of numbers we might be able to organise lifts/car sharing, to reduce our carbon footprint, so please indicate, too, if you'd like a lift or would expect to have space in your car.

Thanks for your time. I look forward to hearing from you and, hopefully, seeing you on 10th July,
Richard Yates

Holiday club Training evening for all helpers

Our "Mission Rescue" holiday club Training evening for all helpers will take please on Wednesday June 22nd 8pm at St Catherine’s.

It's the opportunity to discuss the programme and materials and hear the song. If you’re helping with holiday club (or are thinking about it) please do come along.

Tony Bartlett

Forthcoming Special Joint Service - Sunday 26th June

There will be a special joint service on Sunday June 26th at 10:30 am in order to celebrate 25 years of Denis' ordination to the Priesthood. The service will include a Sunday School/Messy Church provision in Hall, Communion and feast.

At 1pm there will be a ‘Bring and Share Meal’ in the Hall. Look out for a chance to sign up to bring a main course, salad or sweet.

Forthcoming Confirmation Service - Evening of Sunday 12th June

The Confirmation Service is being held at St Catherine's at 6.30pm on Sunday 12th June, when candidates from both St Catherine's and Cornwell will be confirmed, in addition to both adults and youngsters from St George's and St Michael's, together with a Baptism and Renewal of Baptism vows.

Bishop Andrew, the new Bishop of Reading will be with us.

We would like to encourage as many people as possible from both St Catherine's and Cornwell, to come and support this event and to give a good welcome to the Bishop, and to those visiting from the other parishes.