AGM and Bring & Share lunch Sunday 28th March

Our AGM (as usual very informal) is on Palm Sunday; this is the format:

10.30 - Tea, Coffee and Cakes as usual

11.00 - Service led by Rev Denis Smith

11.40 - The more formal part with:

Input from Leadership, other contributions and comments are welcomed.

Election of up to 2 members to the Cornwell Leadership team

Election of up to 2 members to the St Catherine’s PCC.

Election of Cornwell Churchwarden

12.00 - Tea, Coffee and Cakes/Biscuits in groups, sitting around tables discussing:

Likes - (What do we do already that we should do more of)

Dislikes - (What do we do already that we should we do less of)

Ideas - (What things should we do that we’re not doing; are there needs that the church is not meeting?)

12.30 - Bring and Share lunch during which discussions continue, please stay for this if you can


Litter pick

A reminder that this Saturday 6th March is our community Litter Pick of the woods and footpaths in the local area.

Meet 10.30am at the Cornwell Centre (boots & gloves advised) Neighbourhood Wardens will bring bags and tools.

All ages can be involved, we’ll finish at 12noon.
